Benign breast diseases
Classified as cyclical (with menstrual cycle) or acyclical. 7% of patients with Ca Breast have mastalgia as only symptom. Cyclical-Benign, avg age 34years , relieved by menopaus. Noncyclical-Affects older women(>43 ) from chest wall.
Growth of glandular tissue. Accounts for >65% of male breast abnormalities. Pseudogynaecomastia-Accumlation of abnormal excessive fat in male breast. Usually unilateral cases have No hormonal deficiency. Bilateral due to systemic causes. Classification:Grade1-Mild breast enlargement without skin redundency.GradeIIa-Moderate breast enlargement without skin redundancy. Grade IIb-Moderate breast enlargement with skin redundancy. Grade III-Marked breast enlargement with skin redundancy and Ptosis which simulates a female breast.
Fat necrosis
It is usually Traumatic due to direct Trauma, Surgery, Biopsy. Common with large fatty breast. There will be a Post surgery scar/ hematoma/ seroma. Clinically Bruising after trauma but the bruise settles eventually. Swelling persists like Ca breast.Duct ectasia
Widening of ducts of breast usually in the age group 40 to 50 years. Presents with Tenderness and redness of the nipple and surrounding breast tissue. CLINICALLY presents with Solitary or multiple tender swelling in the subcutaneous or periareolar region and Nipple retraction, skin edema, axillary LN or a Hard diffuse mass/ Cord like swelling from areola/ Inspissated yellow cheesy material discharge from nipple. Sometimes acute cases present with inflammation and mimics breast abscess. Treatment is surgery.Galactocele
Cystically dilated terminal ductules filled with milk. Presents with Painless lump for weeks-months post lactation. Caused by Obstruction to the duct and retained milk proximal to obstruction sometimes presenting with cheese like nipple discharge. Comlication-Infection. Treatment- Excision